Invalid response from Server

I have successfully uploaded my database onto the Zotero server from my desktop machine. I now want to synchronize my laptop database with that on the server. I have logged on to Zotero, then selected the Reset option to erase the database on the laptop and download the updated database on the Zotero server. However, when I have done that, after about 20 minutes I get an error message saying 'Invalid response from server '. I have generated an error report on this (report ID: 2030639043) and sent it to you. What should I do to successfully download my database to the laptop?
  • Same problem for me, id 1885730177
    No sync available on different computers since today ! Maybe a server is down ?
  • Guepe, I don't think that server failure is the cause of the problem I have with synchronization with my laptop Zotero installation. I say this because I could add new items to that database successfully from the desktop computer both immediately before and immediately following the failure of synchronization with the laptop. To me, that means that the server was working well enough, but that it was not linking to the laptop for some reason. I am using Zotero 2.0 on both computers, with Firefox 3.6. The laptop OS is Microsoft Vista Pro for Business, while the desktop OS is Microsoft XP Professional. Apart from that, I have different add-in utilities on the Firefox installations, and wonder if it might be a problem with one of those which is causing the problem with the laptop. Has anyone any experience of known problem add-ins when using Zotero?
  • Al: You have a very large database, and while we've begun to successfully handle larger uploads, further optimizations may be needed before many such libraries can be pulled back down. We're hoping to make improvements to library downloading over the next few days and roll them out next week. In the meantime, your best bet would be to disable auto-sync on the laptop from the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
  • Dan: Thanks for the information. I have disabled auto-sync on the laptop, but am still getting 'Invalid response from server' messages, so I will just have to wait until next week, then try again.
  • Yes, that is what I mean.
  • I don't think I have a big database (to me, it is quiet small...). It seems to sync succesfully on one side, but not on another... I don't understand why ?

    Maybe one information worth mentionning : I have the both side that tries to sync at the same time (both are up and zotero running). Maybe it is the source of the problem ?
  • Dan: thanks for alerting me to this discussion.

    I've had the same "invalid response from server" error. I'll disable auto-sync for now and wait a week to see if things improve. I don't know if the size of my database contributes to the problem?
  • Hi, I'm a new user of zotero storage, so not totally sure what I'm doing (and happy to assume it's me rather than zotero), but I'm also getting the message "Invalid response retrieving file upload parameters" when I try to sync my library. The error report id is 939092333. Any suggestions appreciated.
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